St. Baldrick's is an organization that devotes itself to battling Childhood Cancer of all types. Rather than focusing on one type of cancer, or just their own organization, St. Baldrick's helps send these funds directly to places that fund research and fellowships to fight all types of Childhood Cancer. The school I work at has been a large supporter of this organization, with teachers shaving their heads or growing a Mohawk or other similar incentives to reach a higher goal of donations each year. What makes this fundraiser different than others, at least around my neighborhood, is that it is run primarily by students. They take the initiative, plan, organize and publicize each year to reach a higher goal than the last. We've had a lot of graduates this year who were very active in recruiting interest in St. Baldrick's, particularly a young lady named Brenna Brown, who is probably the most altruistic person I've met in a long time. She's headed for college very soon and I keep encouraging her to think about a Public Administration program since she's such a natural at this sort of thing. I could really see her running a non-profit organization in the very near future, plus she makes a mean apple pie! (which she taught me to make, and after only five times, I got it right!).
I read Catherine and Mason's story and besides pulling at the heartstrings it really makes you take stock of the blessings you have in your own life.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment on my personal blog, you didn't intrude at all, it was lovely of you to comment.
I must admit I keep my personal blog and my book review blog separate, at the moment my personal blog is a tad neglected, while book reviews are getting lots of attention lol.
Someone who I think combines sharing of herself personally while promoting her books is author Emily Bryan. Her blog is http://www.emilybryan.blogspot.com
You may get some ideas there and she is also a delightful person.
BTW Tales From A Dog Catcher sounds lovely :-)
Thanks Teddyree! I will check out that blog. I hope you are feeling well and having a nice stress-free weekend.
ReplyDeleteI had a bumper sticker on my car for years until I got a new car and couldn't find it again, (maybe I'll have it made), it said "Donate Kidneys, Don't Bury Them" My husband thought it was a little strange, but he was wrong because I got so many positive comments about it. If I find any I'll send you one:) Take care.