Kodi and Mason are waiting for their new home- could it be yours?
Kodi and Mason are beautiful, smart, well trained and loving Siberian Huskies in need of a new home. Mason is a little over a year old and Kodi will be a year in January. Their owner took incredible care of them, but unfortunately due to an unexpected move and extended work hours, she is no longer able to provide them with the room and attention they are used to. Rather than taking the easier road of keeping them anyway and having them try to adapt to a more lonely and restricted lifestyle, this young woman has made the brave, unselfish decision to find them a home that will be the best for THEM - an incredibly difficult and heart breaking decision for her.
MASON: (Above) - Born June 6, 2008 Pure Bred Siberian Husky - ACA Registration Papers available - not
filed yet. House Broken and Crate Trained. Black and White with Blue Eyes. Approx 58 lbs.Up To Date Vaccinations. Neutered. Loves Everyone and Every Animal. Extremely Well Behaved. Ok on Leash but he is strong and also a husky so he knows how to pull
KODI: (Below on Right) - Born January 26, 2008
Pure Bred Siberian Husky - AKC Registered, Black and White with Blue Eyes. Approx. 54 lbs. Up To Date Vaccinations. Home Again Micro Chip. Neutered. Does NOT do well with other dogs or small animals besides Mason. Very Gentle and Loving with all people. Ok on Leash but he is strong and also a husky so he knows how to pull. House Broken and Crate Trained
Kodi and Mason MUST be adopted together! *They are very dependant. They have only known having each other and will NOT do well on their own.*
Fenced in Yard or Pen necessary as they love to be outside and play.
If you have the room in your heart and in your home to adopt Kodi and Mason, please email me at lkorpics@gmail.com or add a comment on this site and I'll put you in contact with their owner. She wants only the best for these two exceptional dogs and I know there is a wonderful new home out there somewhere just waiting to add Kodi and Mason to their family! .jpg)
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