She's also in the process of trying to win an online contest at a website affiliated with the movie Night at the Museum 2. The winner gets to bring several of their friends to the Smithsonian for an over-night slumber party. It sounds like fun, although when none of the attractions come to life to entertain her, I can imagine that she might be a little disappointed.
If I had to be stranded somewhere for a night, I would definitely choose a library. It would be better if it were two nights...maybe three. I could handle three. Especially if I had a blanket and the availability of a vending machine. Being alone with all of those books and an uninterrupted period of time to read - well that even beats the trampoline.
With the current state of the economy, libraries are struggling to remain open and could use as much help as we can give them. Most of them accept donations and are in need of volunteers. Think about it...how many places can you go to and pick up items to take home and borrow for free without getting arrested? Public libraries are the true equal opportunity environment. There's no interest rate hikes on library cards, and no one is going to get a better deal than you because they have a platinum library card!
Libraries have been wonderful to me with this book. Tales from a Dog Catcher sits on the shelves of libraries throughout the country. You can also check it out in New Zealand, Canada, the U.K., Italy and other nations as well. A great site to find libraries located all over the world is Worldcat.org. You can find your closest library, search for a title to find out if it's checked out or available, and even reserve copies online to pick up later. You can find Tales from a Dog Catcher on Worldcat.org. by clicking the link or by going directly to the site and using the search option. Right now the book is only available in English, hopefully someday soon it will be available in other languages as well.
So if I'm missing for a few days and people are looking for me - please keep my secret. :)
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