I noticed something the other day....time flies by whether or not I work on curriculum or projects or unpack boxes or wash the floor and pick up after messy teenagers or constantly call teenagers who just received their licenses and are now out there in the world driving without me sitting next to them saying;
"BRAKES! "HEY, HEY, HEY...Tail lights dude....watch for those brake lights!" "That was a stop sign, just in case you didn't notice....oh, and by the way, that was a red light just because you didn't see the stop sign." Funny how those things pop up in the road...of all places. He is a 17 year old boy...but all I see when I watch him drive away is that photo at the top of my blog.
I'm working hard on an exciting project...in the waiting stages now so I'm trying to learn Sociology so I can teach it in September. I have Psychology down pat...enough so that I would actually feel comfortable teaching a college course in it - even the neuroanatomy. I remember back to my days in nursing school...loved this stuff...neurotransmitters, dopamine, acetylcholine, GABA, effect of serotonin reuptake inhibitors... all good. But sociology? I have some reading to do. All my course work outside of that was history.
So...my son drives. He's preparing for his senior pictures. And I think I'm having a mid-life crisis. Good news: all the crunches and push-ups it's inspiring me to do...bad news: the empty nest syndrome is starting to encroach upon me. My daughter has four years more, starts high school i September. High school. September. I need a drink.
What can we do...just enjoy every moment while we have it. Enjoy it. Invest in it. Let it go because we can't stop it even if we wanted to....and in the meantime connect with old friends and family we miss....not lose sight of what's important.
And moisturize. Never forget to moisturize.