Tri-County WOMAN magazine is a regional women's interest publication for females 24 to 65+ who live or work in Orange, Dutchess, and Ulster County, New York. It is published by Tigerlily Communications. The Editor in Chief is Felicia Hodges - photo-journalist, mom, writer, editor, publisher, college instructor, breast cancer survivor and activist, and as of this month...a Black Belt!
Each issue of Tri-County Woman has features on area women who are doing great things in their communities ("Movers and Shakers"), ("Book Nook"), articles for parents and parent-to-be ("Matriarch’s Manor") and relationship articles ("You and Your Mate"). Some departments, including "Business Spotlight," "In This Corner..." (local information of interest as well as product and movie reviews), "Book Nook" (reviews of local authors' books) and "HERStory" (dates of interest to women). Their readers are smart career-, education- and family-minded women - be they stay-at-home moms, single CEOs, graduate students or retired grandmothers - who want to take advantage of all the area has to offer. It has been proudly produced by Mid-Hudson Valley women since 2005. In June 2007 - Tri-County Woman won the WRPA (Women's Regional Publications of America) Gold Award for Editorial Excellence, Best Special Insert, Best Internet Content and WRPA Silver Award for Magazine of the Year.
For the June issue, I had the privilege of being interviewed for the "Movers and Shakers" section by one of their contributing writer's Leah Black. I admire Leah so much....she was so thorough and helped me feel comfortable being on the opposite side of an interview for the first time. Add to this, the fact that she did this interview in several parts with a brand new infant AND a toddler in the background. She is definitely an excellent multi-tasker! 
Tales from a Dog Catcher will be the book reviewed in the "Book Nook" in the June edition as well. Thanks go out to my dear friend Felicia who published my first paid published piece many years ago as an editor for Hudson Valley PARENT Magazine's "Parent's View" section. It was titled "Baby Shoes" and my son was about two - he's 15 now and his shoes are a great deal larger! That essay was reprinted in Chicken Soup for the New Mom's Soul about a year or so ago.
Thank you Felicia...you are a role model for women everywhere! Check out Tri-County WOMAN at the link here or above.